Auswahl A-Z
L-Dopa Q-Pot. C30 C200 C1M C10M
  C50M C100M C1Mio Andere
Labetalol, Propranolol, Metoprolol, Bisoprolol Q-Pot. C30 C200 C1M C10M
siehe auch: Poly Beta Blockers        
  C50M C100M C1Mio Andere
Lac asinum Q-Pot. C30 C200 C1M C10M
  C50M C100M C1Mio Andere
Lac cameli dromedari Q-Pot. C30 C200 C1M C10M
  C50M C100M C1Mio Andere
Lac caninum Q-Pot. C30 C200 C1M C10M
  C50M C100M C1Mio Andere
Lac caprinum Q-Pot. C30 C200 C1M C10M
  C50M C100M C1Mio Andere
Lac defloratum Q-Pot. C30 C200 C1M C10M
siehe auch: Lac vaccinum defloratum        
  C50M C100M C1Mio Andere
Lac defloratum Q-Pot. C30 C200 C1M C10M
siehe auch: Lac vaccinum defloratum        
  C50M C100M C1Mio Andere
Lac delphinum Q-Pot. C30 C200 C1M C10M
  C50M C100M C1Mio Andere
Lac elephas Q-Pot. C30 C200 C1M C10M
  C50M C100M C1Mio Andere
Lac elephas maximus Q-Pot. C30 C200 C1M C10M
  C50M C100M C1Mio Andere
Lac equinum Q-Pot. C30 C200 C1M C10M
  C50M C100M C1Mio Andere
Lac felinum Q-Pot. C30 C200 C1M C10M
Q1-Q12, Q Q18
  C50M C100M C1Mio Andere
        C 5.000
Lac humanum Q-Pot. C30 C200 C1M C10M
  C50M C100M C1Mio Andere
Lac humanum fem. Q-Pot. C30 C200 C1M C10M
  C50M C100M C1Mio Andere

Lac humanum masc. Q-Pot. C30 C200 C1M C10M
  C50M C100M C1Mio Andere
Lac lama glama Q-Pot. C30 C200 C1M C10M
  C50M C100M C1Mio Andere
Lac leoninum Q-Pot. C30 C200 C1M C10M
  C50M C100M C1Mio Andere
Lac leontis Q-Pot. C30 C200 C1M C10M
siehe auch: Lac leoninum        
  C50M C100M C1Mio Andere
Lac loxodonta Q-Pot. C30 C200 C1M C10M
siehe auch: Lac elephas        
  C50M C100M C1Mio Andere
Lac loxodonta africa Q-Pot. C30 C200 C1M C10M
siehe auch: Lac elephas        
  C50M C100M C1Mio Andere
Lac loxodonta africana Q-Pot. C30 C200 C1M C10M
siehe auch: Lac elephas        
  C50M C100M C1Mio Andere
Lac lupi Q-Pot. C30 C200 C1M C10M
siehe auch: Lac lupinum        
  C50M C100M C1Mio Andere
Lac lupinum Q-Pot. C30 C200 C1M C10M
Q1 -Q12
  C50M C100M C1Mio Andere
Lac maternum Q-Pot. C30 C200 C1M C10M
  C50M C100M C1Mio Andere
Lac oryctolaginum Q-Pot. C30 C200 C1M C10M
  C50M C100M C1Mio Andere
Lac ovinum Q-Pot. C30 C200 C1M C10M
  C50M C100M C1Mio Andere
Lac panthrea tigris Q-Pot. C30 C200 C1M C10M
  C50M C100M C1Mio Andere
Lac phoca vitulina Q-Pot. C30 C200 C1M C10M
  C50M C100M C1Mio Andere
Lac primatum Q-Pot. C30 C200 C1M C10M
  C50M C100M C1Mio Andere

Lac puma Q-Pot. C30 C200 C1M C10M
  C50M C100M C1Mio Andere
Lac rhesus Q-Pot. C30 C200 C1M C10M
  C50M C100M C1Mio Andere
Lac suinum Q-Pot. C30 C200 C1M C10M
  C50M C100M C1Mio Andere
Lac vaccinum Q-Pot. C30 C200 C1M C10M
  C50M C100M C1Mio Andere
Lac vaccinum defloratum Q-Pot. C30 C200 C1M C10M
  C50M C100M C1Mio Andere
Lachesis muta Q-Pot. C30 C200 C1M C10M
  C50M C100M C1Mio Andere
Lachgas Q-Pot. C30 C200 C1M C10M
siehe auch: Nitrogenium oxygenisatum        
  C50M C100M C1Mio Andere
Lachnanthes tinctura Q-Pot. C30 C200 C1M C10M
  C50M C100M C1Mio Andere
Lactuca virosa Q-Pot. C30 C200 C1M C10M
  C50M C100M C1Mio Andere
Lamium album Q-Pot. C30 C200 C1M C10M
  C50M C100M C1Mio Andere
Lamotrigine Q-Pot. C30 C200 C1M C10M
  C50M C100M C1Mio Andere
Lampona cylindrata Q-Pot. C30 C200 C1M C10M
  C50M C100M C1Mio Andere
Landkarten-Kegelschnecke Q-Pot. C30 C200 C1M C10M
siehe auch: Conus geographus        
  C50M C100M C1Mio Andere
Lanthanum carbonicum Q-Pot. C30 C200 C1M C10M
  C50M C100M C1Mio Andere
Lanthanum chloratum Q-Pot. C30 C200 C1M C10M
siehe auch: Lanthanum muriaticum        
  C50M C100M C1Mio Andere

Lanthanum metallicum Q-Pot. C30 C200 C1M C10M
  C50M C100M C1Mio Andere
Lanthanum muriaticum Q-Pot. C30 C200 C1M C10M
  C50M C100M C1Mio Andere
Lanthanum oxydatum Q-Pot. C30 C200 C1M C10M
  C50M C100M C1Mio Andere
Lanthanum phosphoricum Q-Pot. C30 C200 C1M C10M
  C50M C100M C1Mio Andere
Lanthanum silicatum Q-Pot. C30 C200 C1M C10M
  C50M C100M C1Mio Andere
Lanthanum sulphuricum Q-Pot. C30 C200 C1M C10M
  C50M C100M C1Mio Andere
Lapis album Q-Pot. C30 C200 C1M C10M
  C50M C100M C1Mio Andere
Lapis calcareus burreu Q-Pot. C30 C200 C1M C10M
  C50M C100M C1Mio Andere
Lapis granites murvey Q-Pot. C30 C200 C1M C10M
siehe auch: Granitum murvey        
  C50M C100M C1Mio Andere
Lapis lazuli [Enzian] Q-Pot. C30 C200 C1M C10M
  C50M C100M C1Mio Andere
Lapis lazuli Gem essence Q-Pot. C30 C200 C1M C10M
  C50M C100M C1Mio Andere
Lapis marmoreus albus Q-Pot. C30 C200 C1M C10M
  C50M C100M C1Mio Andere
Lappa arctium Q-Pot. C30 C200 C1M C10M
  C50M C100M C1Mio Andere
Lappa major Q-Pot. C30 C200 C1M C10M
siehe auch: Lappa arctium        
  C50M C100M C1Mio Andere
Lärchenbalsam Q-Pot. C30 C200 C1M C10M
siehe auch: Terebinthina laricina        
  C50M C100M C1Mio Andere

Lärchenterpentin Q-Pot. C30 C200 C1M C10M
siehe auch: Terebinthina laricina        
  C50M C100M C1Mio Andere
Lariam Q-Pot. C30 C200 C1M C10M
  C50M C100M C1Mio Andere
Larix europaea Q-Pot. C30 C200 C1M C10M
  C50M C100M C1Mio Andere
Larus argentatus Q-Pot. C30 C200 C1M C10M
  C50M C100M C1Mio Andere
Lathyrus sat. Q-Pot. C30 C200 C1M C10M
  C50M C100M C1Mio Andere
Latrodectus hasselti Q-Pot. C30 C200 C1M C10M
  C50M C100M C1Mio Andere
Latrodectus mactans Q-Pot. C30 C200 C1M C10M
  C50M C100M C1Mio Andere
Laurocerasus Q-Pot. C30 C200 C1M C10M
  C50M C100M C1Mio Andere
Lavandula angustifolia Q-Pot. C30 C200 C1M C10M
  C50M C100M C1Mio Andere
Lecithinum Q-Pot. C30 C200 C1M C10M
  C50M C100M C1Mio Andere
Ledum palustre Q-Pot. C30 C200 C1M C10M
  C50M C100M C1Mio Andere
Lemna minor Q-Pot. C30 C200 C1M C10M
  C50M C100M C1Mio Andere
Lepra Nosode Q-Pot. C30 C200 C1M C10M
siehe auch: Leprominium Nosode        
  C50M C100M C1Mio Andere
Leprominium Nosode Q-Pot. C30 C200 C1M C10M
  C50M C100M C1Mio Andere
Leprosinum Nosode Q-Pot. C30 C200 C1M C10M
siehe auch: Leprominium Nosode        
  C50M C100M C1Mio Andere

Leptandra virginica Q-Pot. C30 C200 C1M C10M
  C50M C100M C1Mio Andere
Leptin Q-Pot. C30 C200 C1M C10M
  C50M C100M C1Mio Andere
Leptospirosis Nosode Q-Pot. C30 C200 C1M C10M
  C50M C100M C1Mio Andere
Lepus europaeus Q-Pot. C30 C200 C1M C10M
  C50M C100M C1Mio Andere
Lespedeza capitata Q-Pot. C30 C200 C1M C10M
  C50M C100M C1Mio Andere
Lespedeza sieboldii Q-Pot. C30 C200 C1M C10M
  C50M C100M C1Mio Andere
Lespedeza thunbergii Q-Pot. C30 C200 C1M C10M
siehe auch: Lespedeza sieboldii        
  C50M C100M C1Mio Andere
Letrozol Q-Pot. C30 C200 C1M C10M
  C50M C100M C1Mio Andere
Levetiracetam Q-Pot. C30 C200 C1M C10M
  C50M C100M C1Mio Andere
Levocetirizin Q-Pot. C30 C200 C1M C10M
  C50M C100M C1Mio Andere
Levodopa Q-Pot. C30 C200 C1M C10M
siehe auch: L-Dopa        
  C50M C100M C1Mio Andere
Levonorgestrel Q-Pot. C30 C200 C1M C10M
  C50M C100M C1Mio Andere
Levothyroxine combi Q-Pot. C30 C200 C1M C10M
  C50M C100M C1Mio Andere
Lichen islandicus Q-Pot. C30 C200 C1M C10M
siehe auch: Cetraria islandica        
  C50M C100M C1Mio Andere
Lidocainum muriatricum Q-Pot. C30 C200 C1M C10M
  C50M C100M C1Mio Andere

Lilium album Q-Pot. C30 C200 C1M C10M
  C50M C100M C1Mio Andere
Lilium tigrinum Q-Pot. C30 C200 C1M C10M
  C50M C100M C1Mio Andere
Lime of Egg-shells Q-Pot. C30 C200 C1M C10M
siehe auch: Calcarea ovi testae        
  C50M C100M C1Mio Andere
Limenitis bredowii californica Q-Pot. C30 C200 C1M C10M
  C50M C100M C1Mio Andere
Limestone Q-Pot. C30 C200 C1M C10M
  C50M C100M C1Mio Andere
Limonium sinuatum Q-Pot. C30 C200 C1M C10M
  C50M C100M C1Mio Andere
Limulus cyclops Q-Pot. C30 C200 C1M C10M
  C50M C100M C1Mio Andere
Limulus polyphemus Q-Pot. C30 C200 C1M C10M
  C50M C100M C1Mio Andere
Liothyronin Q-Pot. C30 C200 C1M C10M
  C50M C100M C1Mio Andere
Lithium bromatum Q-Pot. C30 C200 C1M C10M
  C50M C100M C1Mio Andere
        C 5.000
Lithium carbonicum Q-Pot. C30 C200 C1M C10M
  C50M C100M C1Mio Andere
Lithium chloratum Q-Pot. C30 C200 C1M C10M
siehe auch: Lithium muriaticum        
  C50M C100M C1Mio Andere
Lithium fluoricum Q-Pot. C30 C200 C1M C10M
  C50M C100M C1Mio Andere
Lithium metallicum Q-Pot. C30 C200 C1M C10M
  C50M C100M C1Mio Andere
Lithium muriaticum Q-Pot. C30 C200 C1M C10M
  C50M C100M C1Mio Andere

Lithium phosphoricum Q-Pot. C30 C200 C1M C10M
  C50M C100M C1Mio Andere
Lithium sulphuricum Q-Pot. C30 C200 C1M C10M
  C50M C100M C1Mio Andere
Lobelia Cardinales Q-Pot. C30 C200 C1M C10M
siehe auch: Lobelia purpurea        
  C50M C100M C1Mio Andere
Lobelia inflata Q-Pot. C30 C200 C1M C10M
  C50M C100M C1Mio Andere
Lobelia purpurascens Q-Pot. C30 C200 C1M C10M
  C50M C100M C1Mio Andere
Lobelia purpurea Q-Pot. C30 C200 C1M C10M
  C50M C100M C1Mio Andere
Lobster Q-Pot. C30 C200 C1M C10M
siehe auch: carci        
  C50M C100M C1Mio Andere
Lonzepam, Diazepam, Flurazepam, Lorazepam, Nitrazepam, Oxazepam, Temazepam, Clobazam, Midazolam, Alprazolam Q-Pot. C30 C200 C1M C10M
siehe auch: Poly PAM        
  C50M C100M C1Mio Andere
Lorazepam Q-Pot. C30 C200 C1M C10M
  C50M C100M C1Mio Andere
lösch mich Q-Pot. C30 C200 C1M C10M
  C50M C100M C1Mio Andere
Lotus corniculatus Q-Pot. C30 C200 C1M C10M
  C50M C100M C1Mio Andere
Löwenmilch Q-Pot. C30 C200 C1M C10M
siehe auch: Lac leoninum        
  C50M C100M C1Mio Andere
LSD Q-Pot. C30 C200 C1M C10M
  C50M C100M C1Mio Andere
Luesinum Nosode Q-Pot. C30 C200 C1M C10M
siehe auch: Syphilinum Nosode        
  C50M C100M C1Mio Andere
Luffa bindal Q-Pot. C30 C200 C1M C10M
  C50M C100M C1Mio Andere

Luffa operculata Q-Pot. C30 C200 C1M C10M
  C50M C100M C1Mio Andere
Lumbricus terrestis Q-Pot. C30 C200 C1M C10M
  C50M C100M C1Mio Andere
Luna Q-Pot. C30 C200 C1M C10M
  C50M C100M C1Mio Andere
Lupulus humulus Q-Pot. C30 C200 C1M C10M
  C50M C100M C1Mio Andere
Lurasidon Q-Pot. C30 C200 C1M C10M
  C50M C100M C1Mio Andere
Luteinum Q-Pot. C30 C200 C1M C10M
  C50M C100M C1Mio Andere
Lutetium Q-Pot. C30 C200 C1M C10M
  C50M C100M C1Mio Andere
Luteum Q-Pot. C30 C200 C1M C10M
siehe auch: Luteinum        
  C50M C100M C1Mio Andere
Lycopersicum esculentum Q-Pot. C30 C200 C1M C10M
  C50M C100M C1Mio Andere
Lycopodium clavatum Q-Pot. C30 C200 C1M C10M
  C50M C100M C1Mio Andere
    C 300
Lycopus virginicus Q-Pot. C30 C200 C1M C10M
  C50M C100M C1Mio Andere
Lycopus virginicus Q-Pot. C30 C200 C1M C10M
  C50M C100M C1Mio Andere
Lyme Disease Nos. Q-Pot. C30 C200 C1M C10M
siehe auch: Borrelia Nosode        
  C50M C100M C1Mio Andere
Lyme-Borrelia Nos. Q-Pot. C30 C200 C1M C10M
  C50M C100M C1Mio Andere
Lyme-Borrelia Nos. Q-Pot. C30 C200 C1M C10M
siehe auch: Borrelia Nosode        
  C50M C100M C1Mio Andere

Lyssinum Nosode Q-Pot. C30 C200 C1M C10M
Q1 -Q45
  C50M C100M C1Mio Andere
Lythrum salicaria Q-Pot. C30 C200 C1M C10M
  C50M C100M C1Mio Andere
Labetalol, Propranolol, Metoprolol, Bisoprolol
siehe auch: Poly Beta Blockers
Lac asinum
Lac cameli dromedari
Lac caninum
Lac caprinum
Lac defloratum
siehe auch: Lac vaccinum defloratum
Lac defloratum
siehe auch: Lac vaccinum defloratum
Lac delphinum
Lac elephas
Lac elephas maximus
Lac equinum
Lac felinum
Q1-Q12, Q Q18   
Lac humanum
Lac humanum fem.

Lac humanum masc.
Lac lama glama
Lac leoninum
Lac leontis
siehe auch: Lac leoninum
Lac loxodonta
siehe auch: Lac elephas
Lac loxodonta africa
siehe auch: Lac elephas
Lac loxodonta africana
siehe auch: Lac elephas
Lac lupi
siehe auch: Lac lupinum
Lac lupinum
Q1 -Q12  
Lac maternum
Lac oryctolaginum
Lac ovinum
Lac panthrea tigris
Lac phoca vitulina
Lac primatum

Lac puma
Lac rhesus
Lac suinum
Lac vaccinum
Lac vaccinum defloratum
Lachesis muta
siehe auch: Nitrogenium oxygenisatum
Lachnanthes tinctura
Lactuca virosa
Lamium album
Lampona cylindrata
siehe auch: Conus geographus
Lanthanum carbonicum
Lanthanum chloratum
siehe auch: Lanthanum muriaticum

Lanthanum metallicum
Lanthanum muriaticum
Lanthanum oxydatum
Lanthanum phosphoricum
Lanthanum silicatum
Lanthanum sulphuricum
Lapis album
Lapis calcareus burreu
Lapis granites murvey
siehe auch: Granitum murvey
Lapis lazuli [Enzian]
Lapis lazuli Gem essence
Lapis marmoreus albus
Lappa arctium
Lappa major
siehe auch: Lappa arctium
siehe auch: Terebinthina laricina

siehe auch: Terebinthina laricina
Larix europaea
Larus argentatus
Lathyrus sat.
Latrodectus hasselti
Latrodectus mactans
Lavandula angustifolia
Ledum palustre
Lemna minor
Lepra Nosode
siehe auch: Leprominium Nosode
Leprominium Nosode
Leprosinum Nosode
siehe auch: Leprominium Nosode

Leptandra virginica
Leptospirosis Nosode
Lepus europaeus
Lespedeza capitata
Lespedeza sieboldii
Lespedeza thunbergii
siehe auch: Lespedeza sieboldii
siehe auch: L-Dopa
Levothyroxine combi
Lichen islandicus
siehe auch: Cetraria islandica
Lidocainum muriatricum

Lilium album
Lilium tigrinum
Lime of Egg-shells
siehe auch: Calcarea ovi testae
Limenitis bredowii californica
Limonium sinuatum
Limulus cyclops
Limulus polyphemus
Lithium bromatum
Lithium carbonicum
Lithium chloratum
siehe auch: Lithium muriaticum
Lithium fluoricum
Lithium metallicum
Lithium muriaticum

Lithium phosphoricum
Lithium sulphuricum
Lobelia Cardinales
siehe auch: Lobelia purpurea
Lobelia inflata
Lobelia purpurascens
Lobelia purpurea
siehe auch: carci
Lonzepam, Diazepam, Flurazepam, Lorazepam, Nitrazepam, Oxazepam, Temazepam, Clobazam, Midazolam, Alprazolam
siehe auch: Poly PAM
lösch mich
Lotus corniculatus
siehe auch: Lac leoninum
Luesinum Nosode
siehe auch: Syphilinum Nosode
Luffa bindal

Luffa operculata
Lumbricus terrestis
Lupulus humulus
siehe auch: Luteinum
Lycopersicum esculentum
Lycopodium clavatum
Lycopus virginicus
Lycopus virginicus
Lyme Disease Nos.
siehe auch: Borrelia Nosode
Lyme-Borrelia Nos.
Lyme-Borrelia Nos.
siehe auch: Borrelia Nosode

Lyssinum Nosode
Q1 -Q45  
Lythrum salicaria